This is the hard back version of my original Diary, It has been brought up to date, with 40,000 new words and stories, Featuring Sir John Hurt, Eric Burdon, Jimi Page, Marlon Brando, Johnny Depp, Bobby Keys,
Diary of a Teddy boy, a life well lived is to Travel through the the sixties and further with Mim Scala into the exciting world of Londons Inner Sanctum from Gangsters to Aristocrats , Musicians to Artists , Mim was an observant player in the thick of the sixties London revolution, Evolving from a Fulham Teddy Boy to street hustler, to Gambler , Surviving the Roth of the Kray Twins. Gambling for high stakes with Lucian Freud and Frances Bacon, eventually founding one of the most eclectic theatrical agency's Scala Brown Associates with the millionaire amateur champion Jockey Sir William Piggot Brown .The agency represented Actors writers and directors . Mim was instrumental in putting together the film Sympathy for the Devil with the Rolling Stones and Jean Luc Godard. for Cupid Productions. Introducing Cat Stevens to Island records, who went on to sell 40,000,000 records. All the while indulging in the sex drug and Rock and Roll culture that was the sixties and seventies. On first name terms with many icons of the period. Not satisfied with life as an a fashionable executive, Mim takes us on yet another trip in to a life of a psychedelic nomad when he leaves behind the world of show business to explore North Africa in search of the master musicians that his friend Brian Jones founder of the Rolling stones was seeking to discover. Mims journey from 1940 to well into the 2020's with its twists and turns is a life affirming story so full of incredible surprises that it seems impossible that one person could be so lucky as to have experienced so many magic seminal moment in our social history of a the last eight decades this book is a testament to a life well lived. Diary of a teddy Boy, A life well lived. Now available from Amazon.Com "Diary of a Teddyboy is one of the best evocations of the period that you are ever likely to come across" Sir John Hurt, actor .......................... "For a flavour of what it was really like to live through the Swinging Sixties in London" ..."A Charming Book" The Times
PUNCH MAGAZINE REVIEW "There have been a lot of books about the Sixties but very few have captured the excitement and uniqueness of the period. The best two, The best two, so far, are Mim’s book and Stoned by the Rolling Stones first manager Andrew Loog Oldham. You had to be there to appreciate the best decade of the 20th. century"
'There are shades of Hunter S. Thompson in Scala's helter skelter journey.... and hints of Kerouac in it's wide-eyed abandon.... Scala is utterly irreverent in his treatment of the pillars of 1960's London - Wealth, sex, drugs, and rock and roll' Sunday Business Post (Ireland) Mim captures that moment wheneverythingchanged from grey to colour Marianne Faithful